Eleven Tips for an Exceptional IT CV


Maria Alejandra Manrique Quijano | November 17, 2021

A well-written curriculum vitae can determine the difference between being called for a job interview and waiting for the phone to ring. This article will review a set of basic rules that will help position your IT CV and get you the first call in a selection process.  


First, it is essential to clarify the following: a CV presents a professional’s position in the labor market. If a resume does not have visual order, if it is not concise and does not include keywords, it will be overlooked by an applicant tracking system (ATS) or by recruiters. Although this article focuses primarily on jobs in technology, these recommendations can be applied to other industries.  

Resumes for IT Tech Jobs: Essential Elements 

You must adapt your CV to the job. It should include all knowledge and experience related to the needs of the post for which you are sending your application.  


  1. Include personal details: full name, phone number and country code, and email. 
  • Eliminate any irrelevant information. It’s unnecessary to include ID number, gender, address, picture, marital status, or a number of children. 


  1. Include a brief personal introduction: this should highlight your added value. Who are you? What can you offer? What are your interests? Look at the following example:


Senior Full Stack Developer 

Experienced developer with nearly 10 years on Full-Stack web applications development with technologies such as Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Scripting, and others. Skilled in software solutions that exceed clients’ expectations. Proactive team player with a commitment to lifelong learning and research.  


  1. Emphasize your technical skills: it is crucial to use keywords in your document. It is also advisable to present your information as a list, including practical experience. For example: 


  • Program languages: Ruby (5 years), JS (4 years). 
  • Frameworks/libraries: ROR (4 years), React JS (3 years), Angular (2 years). 
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure. 
  • Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB. 
  • Design patterns: Singleton, Decorator, Factory, Composite. 
  • Platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux. 
  • Tools and others: Scrum, XP, Redis, Scripting, RSpec.  


  1. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile: this works as a broader reference to your education/training, projects, jobs, and interests.  
  • It’s essential to make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete, up to date, and that it includes a contact network.  


  1. Share your GitHub, Bitbucket, or personal blog with your work or projects: having an up-to-date repository will reveal your technical skills, especially if you do not have any formal or professional experience. Recruitment via Github or Bitbucket has become a common practice for developer job posts. 


  1. Keep up to date: you should always include any recent courses or add projects to your repository to demonstrate your skills with different tool versions and technologies.  


  1. Work experience should be in chronological order: only include previous experience related to the job post you are applying for. If you have had unrelated parallel training or experience, you can include this in your personal introduction.  


  1. Mention the technologies you implemented for each experience or project: it is advisable to be concise, highlight your achievements and relevant information. Avoid any confusing technical language. The following is an example: 


Company: ABC 

Project: XYZ 

The project was about… (brief explanation) 


Main tasks:  

        • Creation of neural networks in Python for vehicle classification and detection in video streams from cameras. 
        • Preventive penetration tests on proprietary and client servers, on web pages, and APIs. 
        • Use of Python and Shell Script to optimize access to client servers as well as their corrective maintenance.  


After implementing the system using neural networks, the company saved money at vehicle image collection points, as well as increased the performance of remote access in some customer sites. 


Technologies: JSP, Python3, Django, Docker, OpenCV, Keras, Tensorflow, TCP/IP, Postgres. 



  1. Check your format and wording: your resume will only stand out if your writing is fluid, your information is organized, and there is synergy throughout the document.  


  1. Include your language proficiency: the IT sector requires good English proficiency in reading and writing. If you have an exam that validates your language level, you should include this. 


  1. Keep it neat and concise: less can be more. Again, it’s vital to lean on a repository and a good LinkedIn profile.  


Lastly, it is advisable to look for CV examples in the technology industry. The following are some examples for the IT sector: Resume Now, Velvet Jobs, Zety, The MuseResume IO 

Key Takeaways 

  • A curriculum vitae presents a professional’s skills, experience, and position in the labor market. 
  • If you want your IT CV to draw a recruiter’s attention or be recognized by an ATS, it should have visual order and include keywords. 
  • Including your LinkedIn, GitHub, or BitBucket profiles, using the correct format, being concise, and mentioning the technologies you have worked with are some of the essential elements that you should include in an IT sector CV. 

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